Did you know? #3 Ginger

Did you know? #3 Ginger

Did you know? Ginger 

Is a nutrient powerhouse, containing a wide range of vitamins including Vitamin C & B thiamine, riboflavin & Niacin. Along with minerals such as iron, making Ginger a great supplement to aid in Yours and your pets respiratory health “ Due to its anti-inflammatory qualities, ginger causes bronchodilation as well as breaking down thick mucus”, digestive health “ bloating & nausea”, & increase heart health! 

Ginger Root can also be used as a natural disinfectant by dabbing the area with a slice of fresh ginger. 

Ginger skin straps can be used as manure for flowering plants.

Ginger is safe for Cats, Dogs, Birds, Rabbits not safe for Reptiles

Please remember I am not a vet nor a professional nutritionist all information shared is from research gathered from books & the internet.


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